Google and Facebook Automation Impact
on Performance Marketing with Luke Costley-White
Episode #2 of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE featured Luke Costley-White, Head of Performance Marketing at ArtNight.
We discussed impact of Google and Facebook Campaigns Automation on Performance Marketing.
In this episode of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE, George Natsvlishvili is joined by Luke Costley-White, Head of Performance Marketing at ArtNight. ArtNight hosts creative experiences led by the local artists, i.e. experience entertaining workshops.
Luke shares his experience as the Head of Performance Marketing at ArtNight and explains the impact of Google and Facebook Campaigns Automation on Performance Marketing.
Check out all the other episodes of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE on our website or on Youtube channel.
Connect with Luke and ArtNight here:
00:00 Dance
00:14 Luke’s Introduction
00:32 The impact of Google and Facebook Automation on Performance
02:59 Bloopers
Transcript & Key takeaways from the episode:
Over the last few years Google and Facebook user acquisition campaigns are getting more automated and further away from performance marketers control.
Google UAC is a complete black box with no control over the campaigns.
Facebook with implementation of automated budgets, audience with no exclusions and placement optimisation took away control from marketers side. And algorithm is not optimised well so far, which might end up with expensive campaign set up.
Campaigns Automation makes it easier for small business, which does not have much experience in setting up user acquisition campaigns. However, it implements restrictions and lack of testing and control for experienced marketers.
George: Facebook and Google are moving to automation. What are your concerns and thoughts about it?
Luke: I think over the last few years it's just getting more automated and further away from our control. If you think about Google UAC versus Search, where you have control over bidding, you have control over all of the things in the creative, you have Google Scripts to really automate every single part of it if you want to. And then UAC it's just a complete black box: you have no idea what's going on or why. You just put some creatives and hope that they work out.
And I think that Facebook is moving further and further in this direction. First with automated budgets unnecessary for any kind of delivery. Then having you know, like the biggest audience as possible with no exclusions or anything. Then also like placement optimisation, so no longer even thinking about how the creative looks in a different place and just do everything for you. And I think that takes away all of our control. Before I would have made 12 different seed audiences from different parts of the funnel, from different values and customers, from different actions and then test it three different audiences lookalike percentage sizes for each of those to see what was the ideal audience. I would have tested 100 of different interest categories to see what was really the right fit for my customer. And now if you like, Facebook thinks everyone is my customer and the algorithm should just tell me exactly what to do. And I should worry about if one day it's really expensive. But I really dislike giving away that control to be, until made those changes to really improve. And I think that it's just kind of makes it the worst for all of the people that have that experience. And instead makes it easier for the mom & pop shop, who just want to start marketing for the first time and don't want it to be difficult. And that's just how they want to be for everybody.
If you have any questions related to online marketing leave your comments/questions below. I will find the expert to get answer on your question.
Thank you – and feel free to check the other episodes.