3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE #6: Efficient Tactics Over the User Segments with Luis Guzmán

Episode #6 of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE featured Luis Guzmán, Growth Marketing Lead at TheVentureCity. We discussed the Main Tactics Over the User Segments.

You can listen to the full episode here:

In this episode of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE, George Natsvlishvili is joined by Luis Guzmán, Growth Marketing Lead at TheVentureCity. TheVentureCity consists of founders and operators turned investors that invest internationally in software companies: B2B, B2C, Marketplaces and SaaS.

Luis shares his experience as the Growth Marketing Lead with the key tactics over the User Segments.

Check out all the other episodes of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE on our website or on Youtube channel.

Connect with Luis and TheVentureCity here:


00:00 Dance

00:08 Luis’s Introduction

00:44 Efficient Tactics Over the User Segments

02:53 Bloopers

Transcript & Key takeaways from the episode:

  • There are several efficient solutions to tackle the user segments: Lookalike Audiences, personalisation of customer interaction via marketing data engine like Clearbit, cracking ideal user journey and replicating Power/Loyal Users behaviour on new users, focusing on user’s lifecycle improvement vs putting the effort on Churn Users.

  • Lookalike Audiences. Select the best and the worst type of customers via lookalike to inform the network which type of customer you want to get and which you don’t for better targeting and more efficient campaigns.

  • Deeply understand your website customers, identify future prospects, and personalise every single marketing and sales interaction via marketing data engines like Clearbit mainly for B2B companies.

  • Learn about your Power/Loyal Users and replicate their behaviour for the new users. Understand the ideal user journey within your product to not only avoid churn, but accelerate high user activity to increase the total numbers of active segments and increase revenue ultimately.

  • Pay more attention to activation, monetisation instead of putting too much effort in getting back Churn Users, who have a bad experience within your product.

George: What are the interesting tactics over the user segments?

Luis: The first one is Lookalike Audiences. What online marketers are doing: they are taking the best type of customer, the most valuable customer and send for a lookalike. But what you actually can do is also take the worst type of customer that you have. So you are telling the network: I want this type of customer, but I don't want this other type of customer, and the targeting is way more narrow, and the campaigns are usually more effective in that way.

The second tactic and this is mostly for B2B companies is taking advantage of your website visitors. So there are solutions, like Clearbit, where you can learn a lot from website visitors that didn't take any action on the website. And you can learn where the company that they are coming from or what are their roles inside this company. And if you have a sales team or you are following an account based on marketing, this is super valuable information towards those types of companies as B2B.

The third one is your Power User. So Power User is the type of user that you shouldn't annoy. I know that you want to take care of them, but you should not annoy them, because they're happy with your product and the way it is right now. So what you can do is actually learn about your power users and replicate their behaviour for the new users, but without annoying your power users.

And lastly, Churn Users. Unless you are a super big company, I would not pay much attention to Churn Users, because getting a Churn User back into a habit of using your product is extremely difficult. So I will prefer paying more attention to activation, monetisation, which are already part of the lifecycle of the user, instead of getting back a user that has a bad experience. So those are my tips for User Segments.

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