3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE #20: Influencer Marketing on Instagram with Jenny Song Schmidt

Episode #20 of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE featured Jenny Song Schmidt, Influencer Marketing Consultant at Jenny Song. We discussed Influencer Marketing on Instagram.

You can listen to the full episode here:

In this episode of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE, George Natsvlishvili is joined by Jenny Song Schmidt, Influencer Marketing Consultant at Jenny Song. Jenny helps companies to navigate the ever-shifting waters of Influencer Marketing, with a focus on performance-based data-driven Influencer Marketing.

Jenny shares her experience as a Mobile Growth Expert in Influencer Marketing on Instagram.

Check out all the other episodes of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE on our website or on Youtube channel.

Connect with Jenny and her agency here:


00:00 Dance

00:20 Jenny’s Introduction

00:54 Influencer Marketing on Instagram

02:25 Bloopers

Transcript & Key takeaways from the episode:

  • When you are looking at Instagram Influencers you want to look from both quantitative and qualitative sides.

  • Quantitative side. The growth reach doesn't mean everything. You have to look further at the number of Influencer’s followers, and how many of them are within your target group to avoid paying for all followers and getting only a small share of your target group from there. On top, you shall look at Instagram Story views because, in the end, these are the most engaged people the ones that actually watch the Story.

  • Qualitative side. You shall look at the Brand fit if the Influencer’s content resonates with your Brand. As well as at PR, Image, etc.

George: You are counted as an expert in the Influencer area. The most common question that people ask you probably is: who is the best and how you can get a useful Influencer and not just waste money for nothing, because most of them are useless?

Jenny: Yeah, that’s the question I get a lot of times. And because we only have 3 minutes, I'm gonna focus on Instagram to answer this question. So when we are looking at Instagram Influencers we actually want to look at Influencers from both quantitative and qualitative sides. So we do of course look at numbers but it doesn't, you know, the growth reach doesn't mean everything. So you have to look further and you have to see, okay, what is it actually mean if there's an Influencer who has 1 million followers? How many of them are actually within my target group? Because if 900,000 are not then essentially you're paying for a million but you only get a hundred thousand, right? So you have to look at that. And then what I always like looking at is Story views, Instagram Story views because, in the end, these are the most engaged people the ones that actually watch the Story. And then on the qualitative side, of course, you want to look at the Brand fit. You know, is that a person that put content in that resonates with me and with my Brand? And you, of course, also look at, you know, PR and Image and all that.

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