3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE #29: Crack User Value in the Post-Privacy Era with Peggy Anne Salz   

Episode #29 of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE featured Peggy Anne Salz, Lead Analyst and Founder at MobileGroove. We discussed how to get user value and use it for app marketing in the post-privacy era.  

You can listen to the full episode here: 

In this episode of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE, George Natsvlishvili is joined by Peggy Anne Salz, Lead Analyst and Founder at MobileGroove. MobileGroove is the expert resource center on mobile apps, mobile advertising, engagement marketing, and mobile trends impacting brands and businesses.

Peggy shares his experience as a Mobile Growth Expert about the proper user value usage in app marketing in a post-privacy era

Check out all the other episodes of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE on our website or on Youtube channel

Connect with Peggy and her company here:


00:00           Dance

00:13           Peggy’s Introduction

00:35           Crack User Value in the Post-Privacy Era

02:57           Bloopers

Transcript & Key takeaways from the episode:


George: I have a question regarding post-privacy. How we can track users as people in the post-privacy era? 

Peggy: Ok. That’s right. Because of the user-level data test, right? Okay. So, marketers are telling me, they wanna be bold, they wanna be different. They want the blend metrics, and they want to do new things. I'm thinking: yes, that's great, I'm excited about that. Someone is an optimist. Yes, we're in a post-privacy world, but it does not suck. Actually, what I'm excited about is blending new data sets. So we know all about our demographics and we have our psychographics, but I'm looking into valuegraphics, which is a data set based on 750,000 surveys around the world that come down to our core human values. So, when you understand the core human values and you layer that over the other data sets, and what you have is a more holistic view of people. And in a time where personalization is a must and data is already done, particularly in real time and context value-graphics help. You understand what people value. And guess what? What they value influences, what they buy, do and decide. So I like that, I like the idea and I'm looking for marketers doing it because I'm writing a book about it, so it's even cooler. 

George: Nice! So you are telling that you are using the value-graphics to put an additional value on users.  

Peggy: Yes, because you can understand what they value. So, for example, we have core human values. They unite us, you know, whether it's an interest in belonging, it's community. For example, I just did a webinar recently and we were talking to a 40-year-old pharmacy, and it turned out that her audience values tradition. So that tells her and her marketing to say over on top of everything else. Okay, my users value tradition. So in her marketing, it's a 40-year-old pharmacy. So talk about that tradition. So when you're trying to acquire or keep users loyal, that becomes part of the messaging. So what does it do? It allows you to deliver a richer message because it really does then resonate.        

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