3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE #38: Creative Strategy Optimization with Rodolphe Helderwerdt           

Episode #38 of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE featured Rodolphe Helderwerdt, Head of Marketing at Tandem. We discussed Creative Strategy Optimization.  

You can listen to the full episode here: 

In this episode of 3 MINUTES BULLSHIT WITH GEORGE, George Natsvlishvili is joined by Rodolphe Helderwerdt, Head of Marketing at Tandem. Tandem is a language learning app where millions of people teach each other. 

Rodolphe shares his experience as a Mobile Growth Expert in the Optimization of Creative Strategy. 

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Connect with Rodolphe and Tandem here:


00:00           Dance

00:15           Rodolphe’s Introduction

00:31           Creative Strategy Optimization

02:30           Bloopers

Transcript & Key takeaways from the episode:

George: The question regarding the creatives: how do you change the strategy? What works, what doesn't work in your creative strategy?

Rodolphe: So two years ago was all about user generative content when it was not a thing yet. And we like empired all users to create like multiple creatives. We trapped really well because we got 12 markets is always like such a hustle to create creatives. But this actually look deeper into like the amount of effort with put there and just actually incredible amount of effort to look for 12 people who speak 12 languages to be able to understand like each of the videos that are created by our users and see if actually we can then use them for paid acquisition. The amount of effort there was actually really big. So then I was just looking into like what could be a different approach to that. And we actually switched completely the strategy that we have now. We only have two video creators who does create videos in English and then we use AI technology to translate all of those videos into all 12 languages. So it's not just about translating but it's also like the mouth is changing, it's matching everything. And actually is now like feel good user generated kind of like videos we actually have them available in 12 languages, which makes it like so much more powerful, faster with even less resources. And and yes, so far it has been working really well and I think it's really like the future of like what could be done with creative and really have something ready in just 2 seconds that's actually with no resources whatsoever.

George: Cool, man. So you are mentioning that UGC strategy it doesn't work anymore.

Rodolphe: I think it would work. If you are a small company you don't have much resources then I don't think it's the right approach. I think there is like smarter way to make it. 

George: Oh got it and AI works really good. To implement AI to do localization of your videos. 

Rodolphe: Yeah. Exactly. 

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